Dutch weather warnings from KNMI
Dutch weather warnings from KNMI. Current information about weather warnings in the Netherlands in respect to conditions of iciness and snow, rain, visibility, thunderstorm,... -
Short term weather forecast
General weather forecast for the Netherlands, presented as text. Forecast is for the current and upcoming day. The data is published in two different formats: txt and xml. -
Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME Cy43 forecasts Europe, near surface, boundary ...
Current operational HARMONIE information in gridded form (rotated lat-lon) of near surface and boundary layer (up to 300 m) parameters and a few pressure levels from the UWC-... -
Precipitation - radar 5 minute forecasted radar reflectivity composites over ...
Forecasts of radar reflectivities at 1500 m over the Netherlands and surrounding area measured by two radars in Herwijnen and Den Helder. Forecast interval is 5 minutes, with... -
Precipitation - radar 5 minute full volume data Herwijnen
Volume data of all polarimetric radar variables, including those related to quality for the radar in Herwijnen. Time interval is 5 minutes. -
Precipitation - radar 5 minute full volume data Den Helder
Volume data of all radar moments (e.g. radar reflectivity, radial velocity, polarimetric variables, quality indicators) for the radar in Den Helder. Time interval is 5 minutes.... -
Precipitation - radar 5 minute reflectivity composites over the Netherlands
Gridded files of radar reflectivities at 1500 m over the Netherlands and surrounding area measured by two radars in Herwijnen and Den Helder. Time interval is 5 minutes. See... -
Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME Cy43 forecast Netherlands meteorological param...
HARMONIE information in gridded form (regular lat-lon) of near surface and boundary layer (up to 300 m) parameters from the UWC-West HARMONIE-AROME Cy43 model. For this weather... -
Meteo data - actual synoptic observations KNMI the Netherlands per 10 minutes
KNMI collects observations from the automatic weather stations situated in the Netherlands and BES islands on locations such as aerodromes and North Sea platforms. In addition,... -
Weather maps
The weather maps on this page are based on the results of the atmospheric models HARMONIE (analysis, AL) and ECMWF (forecasts, PL). The calculated earth pressure patterns are... -
Quality controlled rain gauge data of water board Wetterskip Fryslân
Rain gauge data from water board Wetterskip Fryslân, after quality control by KNMI. Raw data originating from a self-maintained network of rain gauges. Delivery of data is 1... -
Wind - lidar data from ZephIR 300M (unit ZX973) during Cabauw campaign 2018-2...
Daily files of wind profiles (raw data) between 11 and 300m altitude, measured by the ZephIR 300M wind lidar (ZX firmware), obtained during a measurement campaign by KNMI at the... -
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
Wet Bulb Globe temperature data, derived from the 10 minute synoptic observations dataset from KNMI. Calculations done using the Liljegren method. -
Warnings coastal regions
The warnings forecast covers the coastal waters around the Netherlands up to 30 nautical mile offshore and the greater inland waters. This area is divided into the following... -
Vaisala Radiosonde RS41
A balloon is released from the ground and rises to 10-30km to measure temperature, pressure, humidity and wind data. Vaisala MW41 sounding software is a radiosounding data... -
Precipitation - 5 minute nowcast over The Netherlands up to 2 hours ahead
Nowcast precipitation forecast up to 2 hours ahead, per 5 minutes, over the Netherlands. The forecast contains 25 time steps: +0 minutes to +120 minutes. Forecasted is the... -
Marifoon forecast
The Marifoon forecast covers the coastal waters around the Netherlands up to 30 nautical mile offshore and the greater inland waters. This area is divided into the following... -
LakeIJssel FL47-48 turbulent stress 50Hz
Sonic anemometer observations from the two RWS stations FL47 and FL48 at Lake IJssel, derived from 50 Hz resampled data -
Precipitation - radar/gauge 5 minute real-time accumulations over the Netherl...
Gridded files of radar-derived 5 minute precipitation accumulations, corrected by rain gauge data. Radar data over the Netherlands and surrounding area measured by Dutch,... -
Ruisdael DALES over Cabauw
This dataset contains horizontally averaged statistics from unvalidated Dutch Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation (DALES) forecasts with a lead time of 24h. The LES is ran using...