
Monthly mean ozone fields of the MSR. The MSR dataset results from a 30-year data assimilation run with 14 corrected satellite datasets as input, and is available on a grid of 1× 1 1/2° for the time period (1978-2008). The fourteen total ozone satellite datasets are from the instruments TOMS (on the satellites Nimbus-7 and Earth Probe), SBUV (Nimbus-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11 and NOAA-16), GOME (ERS-2), SCIAMACHY (Envisat), OMI (EOS-Aura), and GOME-2 (Metop-A).


Dataset name MSR-ozone-monthly
Dataset version 1.0
Status completed
Last metadata update December 20, 2024, 9:09 AM (UTC+00:00)
Update frequency irregular
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
North bound latitude 90.0
East bound longitude 180.0
South bound latitude -90.0
West bound longitude -180.0
Dataset edition 3
Dataset manager R.J. van der A
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2016-10-10T19:52:14Z
Reference system identifier EPSG4326
Dataset start time 1978-11-01
Dataset end time 2008-12-31
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::MSR-ozone-monthly/1.0/
Lineage statement data assimilation of level 2 satellite observations
Purpose ozone research
Use limitation No use limitations
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