
Gridded files of probability of hail from radar over the Netherlands and surrounding area. Based on 14 radar scans by two radars in Herwijnen and Den Helder. Time interval is 5 minutes. See data set radar_tar_hail_warning_5min/1.0 for an archive that goes back to 2008.


Dataset name radar_hail_warning_5min
Dataset version 1.0
Status onGoing
Last metadata update April 16, 2024, 12:48 (UTC)
Update frequency continual
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
North bound latitude 55.97
East bound longitude 10.86
South bound latitude 48.9
West bound longitude 0.0
Dataset edition 2
Dataset manager Hidde Leijnse
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2014-12-01T10:33:23Z
Reference system identifier PROJ.4+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=60 +a=6378.14 +b=6356.75 +x_0=0 y_0=0
Dataset start time 2012-07-28
Dataset end time Unlimited
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::radar_hail_warning_5min/1.0/
Lineage statement The probability of hail is determined from the difference between the height of the 45dBZ echo top determined by the radars, and the height of the 0-degree isotherm determined by the Numerical Weather Prediction model HiRLAM.
Use limitation No use limitations
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