Precipitation - radar 5 minute probability of hail over the Netherlands - arc...
Archive of gridded files of probability of hail from radar over the Netherlands and surrounding area. Based on 14 radar scans by two radars in Herwijnen and Den Helder. Time... -
Precipitation - radar 5 minute probability of hail over the Netherlands
Gridded files of probability of hail from radar over the Netherlands and surrounding area. Based on 14 radar scans by two radars in Herwijnen and Den Helder. Time interval is 5... -
Precipitation - radar 24 hour probability of hail over the Netherlands
Gridded files of the 24 hour summary of probability of hail from radar over the Netherlands and surrounding area. Based on 14 radar scans by two radars in Herwijnen and Den... -
3D radar composite and derived products
Realtime 3D radar composite that covers a wide area over the Netherlands and its direct surroundings. The composite is constructed based on data from Dutch, Belgian and German...