2 datasets found

Organizations: PBL Tags: Carbon pools

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  • PBL IMAGE SSP scenarios - Net primary production (NPP) (5 arcmin)

    Global net primary production from 1970 to 2100 per land grid cell. CO2 sequestered by plants and incorporated in new tissue in plant carbon pools. The data is licensed under...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • PBL IMAGE SSP scenarios - Biomass (30 arcmin)

    Global carbon content in stems, branches, leaves, roots, litter, humus, charcoal, short lifetime timber, long lifetime timber from 1970 to 2100 per land grid cell. The data is...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service