6 datasets found

Organizations: KNMI Tags: Earthquakes

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  • Operational Magnitude of Completeness Maps for the Netherlands

    This dataset describes the operational magnitude of completeness of the seismic network in the Netherlands. The main seismic-network assessment parameter is magnitude of...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Theoretical Magnitude of Completeness Maps for the Netherlands

    This dataset describes the theoretical magnitude of completeness of the seismic network in the Netherlands. The main seismic-network assessment parameter is magnitude of...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Seismic site response zonation map

    This dataset contains the seismic site-response zonation map for the Netherlands. The site-response (amplification) zonation map for the Netherlands is designed by transforming...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Earthquake Location Uncertainty Maps for the Netherlands

    This dataset represents expected location uncertainty of seismic events, when using sensors from the Netherlands seismic network and sensors just across the boarder in Belgium...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Changelog of seismic station inventory

    KNMI manages and provides access to a metadata inventory which contains information about KNMI seismic networks, stations and their instruments. Such information varies over...
      Data format: JSON License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • [DEPRECATED] Netherlands Seismic Station Magnitude Completeness Map

    The seismic magnitude of completeness map shows the distribution of seismic stations in the Netherlands with the magnitude contours. The contours represent the minimum magnitude...
      Data format: PNG License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service