
Access via the Open Data API

Individual files from the dataset can be downloaded via the Open Data API. For more on this, see the Developer Portal - Open Data API. To access the dataset with the Open Data API, you will need an API key. Add the API key to the request via the Authorization HTTP header. Use the following API endpoint to access this dataset:

Receive notifications via MQTT

You can receive notification of updates to this dataset via the Notification Service. For more on this, see the Developer Portal - Notification Service. To connect to the notification service, you will need a password (an API key). Use the following MQTT topic: dataplatform/file/v1/nl_sat_data_knmi_osi_7d_nz/1/#

Access via Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Access to this dataset is possible through a WMS endpoint. For more on this, see the Developer Portal - WMS.

Anonymous access via WMS

This endpoint has a shared quota and is also rate limited by IP address.

Access via WMS with API key

This endpoint has a quota per API key. To request an API key, visit the Developer Portal - API Catalog. Add the API key to the request via the Authorization HTTP header.

[DEPRECATED] Access via KDP WMS Viewer with API key

The URL below should be entered into a web browser and will redirect you to the KDP WMS viewer with this dataset visible. To request an API key for WMS, visit the Developer Portal - API Catalog. This key should replace <API KEY> in the link shown below.<API KEY>