Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas - daily files at 10-600 meter height of all 2,5 km grid points for 2018
Supplemental information
More information on the website: https://www.dutchoffshorewindatlas.nl/.
Dataset name | dowa_netcdf_daily_3d_update |
Dataset version | 1 |
Status | completed |
Last metadata update | October 21, 2024, 11:41 (UTC) |
Update frequency | notPlanned |
License | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
North bound latitude | 54.7358 |
East bound longitude | 8.2222 |
South bound latitude | 50.1823 |
West bound longitude | 1.3114 |
Dataset edition | 7 |
Dataset manager | Bert van Ulft |
Maintainer | KNMI Data Services |
Publication timestamp | 2019-01-11T15:40:43Z |
Reference system identifier | PROJ.4+proj=lcc +lat_1=52.500000 +lat_2=52.500000 +lat_0=52.500000 +lon_0=.000000 +k_0=1.0 +x_0=-92963.487426 +y_0=230383.739533 +a=6371220.000000 +b=6371220.000000 |
Dataset start time | 2018-01-01 |
Dataset end time | 2019-01-01 |
Identifier | urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::dowa_netcdf_daily_3d_update/1/ |
Lineage statement | HARMONIE Weather Model cycle 40h1.2.tg2 is nested in the ERA-5 re-analysis in a 3 hourly cycle with data assimilation. |
Use limitation | No use limitations |
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