
Historic gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation for 1910-2015 in the Netherlands. Calculated from sunshine duration (1951-1981) and radiation (1981-2015). The number of observations varies: 1910-1981 (5), 1981-2015 (35). Transformed to KNMI14 climate scenario 2050 WH.

Supplemental information


Dataset name EVH50WH
Dataset version 2
Status completed
Last metadata update October 1, 2024, 08:20 (UTC)
Update frequency asNeeded
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
North bound latitude 53.7
East bound longitude 7.4
South bound latitude 50.6
West bound longitude 3.2
Dataset edition 3
Dataset manager Dr. Peter Siegmund
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2016-10-08T09:33:28Z
Reference system identifier EPSG28992
Dataset start time 1910-01-01
Dataset end time 2016-01-01
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::EVH50WH/2/
Lineage statement The interpolation method is Thin Plate Spline Interpolation The number of observations is 5. TPS is not an exact interpolator: interpolated values at measurement locations may differ from measurements. Evaporation has been calculated based on sunshine duration and solar radiation. See product description for clime scenarios transformation details.
Purpose Netherlands Hydrological modelling Instrument (NHI)
Use limitation No use limitations
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