
On https://maq-observations.nl/ we offer all operational measurements from three sites: Veenkampen, Loobos and Amsterdam. These observations include, but do not limit themselves to, temperature, humidity, wind, radiation, soil moisture, soil temperature, energy and carbon fluxes and air quality (e.g. NOx, O3, PM). We offer up-to date charts of the current weather and air quality, as well as a historic dataset to explore, plot and download. You can visualize and download the data with our carefully designed graphical user interface, or download it using a custom tailored API key. Amsterdam, as the capital of the Netherlands, is a hotspot of population density, industrialization, culture and innovation. The city contains a mix of quarters, ranging from historical to young, high-rise to extensive, build up to green in which people live, work and leisure. In Amsterdam we study the urban climate and how people experience it. The city is often warmer (the urban heat island effect) and winds around buildings can be gusty. Vegetation, green roofs and street design affect the city’s climate. The Amsterdam Atmospheric Monitoring Supersite (AAMS) is run by MAQ at Wageningen University in collaboration with the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, the Municipality of Amsterdam, and the I-Change project. The AAMS, established in 2014, consists of 24 weather stations across Amsterdam that measure temperature, humidity and wind speed, while some also observe precipitation and black globe temperature. It contains an eddy covariance flux tower measuring turbulent fluxes of sensible heat, latent heat (evapotranspiration), CO2 and methane, and contains a scintillometer as well. Moreover, we measure up- and downwelling components of the solar and thermal radiation. During occasional Intensive Observations Periods radio soundings were launched, a sodar was installed and tri-cycle observations of human thermal comfort were performed. The network is used to monitor the urban heat island effect, heat stress, the urban water balance, the city’s carbon footprint, to address the potential for solar panels, and for validation of weather prediction models for cities.


Dataset name maq_observations_amsterdam
Dataset version 1.0
Status onGoing
Last metadata update December 20, 2024, 09:10 (UTC)
Update frequency continual
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
North bound latitude 52.35
East bound longitude 4.87
South bound latitude 52.35
West bound longitude 4.87
Dataset edition 1
Dataset manager Sjoerd Barten
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2024-02-07T00:00:00Z
Reference system identifier EPSG4326
Dataset start time 2022-11-21
Dataset end time Unlimited
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::maq_observations_amsterdam/1.0/
Lineage statement The source data in the SQL database originates from various sensors. We post-process and quality control the collected data using Python scripts before sending to the SQL database. Near real-time data is submitted every 10 minutes. The data is available at a temporal resolution of up to 20 seconds. We offer up to 627 data streams divided over the three stations at a temporal resolution of up to 20 seconds. Data collection is fully automated and quality-controlled before sending to our database.
Purpose The data being measured is provided as Open Access data through https://maq-observations.nl/. This site is also part of the Ruisdael Observatory, a nationwide observatory for measurements of the atmosphere.
Use limitation Please refer to our data license page: https://maq-observations.nl/maq-data-license/
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