
Tropospheric and total columns of NO2 and total columns of O3, retrieved from Pandora measurements in Cabauw-NL. Temporal resolution is approximately 4/hour. The data can be found here: http://data.pandonia-global-network.org/Cabauw/Pandora118s1/L2/


Dataset name MAXDOAS_PGN_cabauw
Dataset version 1
Status onGoing
Last metadata update December 20, 2024, 09:09 (UTC)
Update frequency notPlanned
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
North bound latitude 51.968
East bound longitude 4.927
South bound latitude 51.968
West bound longitude 4.927
Dataset edition 1
Dataset manager Ankie Piters
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2021-06-10T12:00:00Z
Reference system identifier EPSG4326
Dataset start time 2016-08-18
Dataset end time Unlimited
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::MAXDOAS_PGN_cabauw/1/
Lineage statement not specified
Use limitation No use limitations
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