
Climate indices were interpolated from observations and transformed time series at automatic weather stations and precipitation stations in the Netherlands for the period 1991-2020 and for the KNMI'23 scenarios around 2050 and 2100. The interpolated data is projected onto a 1 km by 1 km grid, without corrections for local land cover features such as cities or forests. However, large-scale climatic patterns, such as distance from the sea and elevation, are accounted for in the interpolation. The climate indices include annual and seasonal precipitation, the number of days per year with at least 15 mm or 25 mm of precipitation, and the maximum precipitation deficit, including median values and estimates for a 10-year recurrence of precipitation deficit. Temperature-related climate indices include average minimum and maximum temperatures by season and year, the number of ice days, frost days, warm days, summer days, tropical days, and tropical nights, as well as Cooling Degree Days and Heating Degree Days. Data was compiled by interpolating observations from stations that had a nearly complete set of measurements for the period 1991-2020.


Dataset name nl-climate-indices-KNMI24-gridded-precip-temp
Dataset version 1.0
Status completed
Last metadata update October 24, 2024, 11:28 (UTC)
Update frequency notPlanned
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
North bound latitude 53.7
East bound longitude 7.6
South bound latitude 50.5
West bound longitude 3.0
Dataset edition 1
Dataset manager Maarten Plieger / Janette Bessembinder
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2024-10-21T00:00:00Z
Reference system identifier EPSG28992
Dataset start time 1991-01-01
Dataset end time 2100-01-31
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::nl-climate-indices-KNMI24-gridded-precip-temp/1.0/
Lineage statement Long-term climate indices based on the KNMI observation stations have been transformed into time series for different scenarios in the future. These data were then interpolated with GSIE to gridded NetCDF files using the same geostatistical methods as used for the climate atlas.
Purpose Data and Web Map Service for climate atlas and research
Use limitation No use limititations
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