Precipitation - radar 5 minute reflectivity composites over the Netherlands - archive
Dataset name | radar_tar_refl_composites |
Dataset version | 1.0 |
Status | onGoing |
Last metadata update | April 16, 2024, 12:48 (UTC) |
Update frequency | daily |
License | |
North bound latitude | 55.97 |
East bound longitude | 10.86 |
South bound latitude | 48.9 |
West bound longitude | 0.0 |
Dataset edition | 2 |
Dataset manager | Hidde Leijnse |
Maintainer | KNMI Data Services |
Publication timestamp | 2014-10-01T11:37:22Z |
Reference system identifier | PROJ.4+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=60 +a=6378.14 +b=6356.75 +x_0=0 y_0=0 |
Dataset start time | 2008-01-01 |
Dataset end time | Unlimited |
Identifier | urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::radar_tar_refl_composites/1.0/ |
Lineage statement | Radar reflectivities are measured by both radars (De Bilt at 52.1017 N, 5.1783 E and Den Helder at 52.9533 N, 4.7900 E) in scans with elevation angles of 0.3, 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0 degrees. These scans are used to generate a single image per radar at 1500 m by linearly interpolating radar reflectivities in altitude. These two radar images are then combined to a single image by taking a weighted average of the radar reflectivities. The weigths are a function of the distance of a given point to the radar. The time stamp in the file name corresponds to the start time of the lowest radar scan. |
Use limitation | No use limitations |
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