
Global annual precipitation from 1970 to 2100 per land grid cell. The data is licensed under CC-BY. The IMAGE-team would appreciate to be involved in projects using the data. SSP scenarios are documented in: Energy, land-use and greenhouse gas emissions trajectories under a green growth paradigm, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.05.008


Dataset name SSPs_GANNPRE
Dataset version V17
Status completed
Last metadata update April 26, 2022, 06:37 (UTC)
Update frequency asNeeded
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
North bound latitude 90.0
East bound longitude 180.0
South bound latitude -90.0
West bound longitude -180.0
Dataset edition 3
Dataset manager Jonathan Doelman
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2017-08-22T14:37:45Z
Reference system identifier EPSG4326
Dataset start time 1970-01-01
Dataset end time 2100-12-31
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::SSPs_GANNPRE/V17/
Lineage statement Generated by the IMAGE model of PBL Netherlands Environmental Assesment Agency ( http://www.pbl.nl/image )
Purpose research on global change
Supplemental information Additional scenario data for SSP1, SSP3, SSP4 and SSP5 are available on request. Please contact the IMAGE team at IMAGE-info@pbl.nl. Involvement in projects is appreciated.
Use limitation No use limitations
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