
This dataset has been deprecated since July 28, 2023 and will no longer receive updates per July 28, 2023.
Please read the deprecation notice of this dataset for how to proceed.

The newest version of this dataset can be found at:


This dataset contains information about the KNMI network of observations stations in the Netherlands that consists of 48 automatic weather stations: 13 on aerodromes, 14 on North Sea platforms and 21 on land. Also included are 5 KNMI wind poles in coastal areas (RWS wind poles are not included). Each automatic weather station operates one of more sensors to observe temperature, relative humidity, wind, air pressure, visibility, radiation, precipitation, cloudiness, snow depth, soil temperature and present weather.

This dataset version is deprecated and the newest version can be found at:


Dataset name waarneemstations
Dataset version 3
Status onGoing
Last metadata update August 29, 2024, 09:53 (UTC)
Update frequency irregular
North bound latitude 55.4
East bound longitude 7.4
South bound latitude 50.5
West bound longitude 2.9
Dataset edition 3
Dataset manager KNMI Data Services
Maintainer KNMI Data Services
Publication timestamp 2018-08-14T06:54:02Z
Reference system identifier EPSG4326
Dataset start time 2018-08-14
Dataset end time Unlimited
Identifier urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::waarneemstations/3/
Lineage statement Station archive KNMI
Use limitation No use limitations
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