SYNOP - Precipitation data near Meuse and Rhine
Precipitation data for weather stations near the rivers the Meuse and the Rhine based on SYNOP data from automatic weather stations. Stations are located in the Netherlands,...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Climate normals - 1991-2020 precipitation normals per 10 days by station of t...
The 30 year average values of various climate variables per 10 days. Ordered by station of the KNMI rain gauge network. Traditionally the months are divided in 2 times 10 days...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Climate normals - 1991-2020 precipitation normals per 10 days by metric of th...
The 30 year average values of various climate variables per 10 days. Ordered by climate variable. Traditionally the months are divided in 2 times 10 days and the remainder of...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Climate normals - 1991-2020 precipitation normals by station of the KNMI rain...
The 30 year average values of various climate variables per month, season or year. Ordered by station of the KNMI rain gauge network.- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Climate normals - 1991-2020 precipitation normals by metric of the KNMI rain ...
The 30 year average values of various climate variables per month, season or year. Ordered by climate variable.- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Climate normals - 1991-2020 precipitation normals by district of the KNMI rai...
The 30 year average values of various climate variables per month, season or year averaged per district of the KNMI rain gauge network.- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0