Precipitation - radar 5 minute forecasted radar reflectivity composites over ...
Forecasts of radar reflectivities at 1500 m over the Netherlands and surrounding area measured by two radars in Herwijnen and Den Helder. Forecast interval is 5 minutes, with... -
Precipitation - 5 minute nowcast over The Netherlands up to 2 hours ahead
Nowcast precipitation forecast up to 2 hours ahead, per 5 minutes, over the Netherlands. The forecast contains 25 time steps: +0 minutes to +120 minutes. Forecasted is the... -
CellWarn - convection tracking & risk analysis
Output from the KNMI CellWarn system, which performs real-time identification, tracking and path prediction and includes automated detection of associated severe weather... -
[DEPRECATED] CellWarn polygons for tracking of hazardous thunderstorms and as...
Polygons of identified significant convective cells and their predicted path up to one hour in the future. Attributes include severity and likelihood of associated severe...