Ensemble precipitation forecasts made with Quantile Regression Forests and de...
A gridded 50-member ensemble of precipitation forecasts that are created using a tree-based machine learning method, quantile regression forests, and inputs from the...- NetCDF
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Ozone - Multi Sensor Reanalysis of Ozone (monthly mean) based on satellite ob...
Monthly mean ozone fields of the MSR. The MSR dataset results from a 30-year data assimilation run with 14 corrected satellite datasets as input, and is available on a grid of...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation: reference 1981-2010
Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations. Used as reference dataset for KNMI'14 gridded scenariodata..- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2085 WL
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2085 WL. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2085 WH
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2085 WH. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2085 GL
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2085 GL. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2085 GH
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2085 GH. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2050 WL
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2050 WL. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2050 WH
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2050 WH. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2050 GL
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2050 GL. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - KNMI14 Daily Makkink evaporation 2050 GH
KNMI14 daily scenario data: 2050 GH. Gridded files of daily Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands. Based on 14 automatic weather stations.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Ozone - assimilated ozone profiles from GOME satellite observations
3D ozone fields: assimilated nadir ozone profiles from GOME and GOME-2 observations. The ozone profiles are developed within the ozone project of the CCI programme of ESA.- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) estimates from LARISSA
This dataset represents AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) estimates, retrieved from LARISSA (Lidar Aerosol Retrieval based on Information from Sea Surface of Aeolus)- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Meteo data - information on stations in the KNMI observations network
KNMI collects observations from the automatic weather stations situated in the Netherlands and BES islands on locations such as aerodromes, North Sea platforms and wind poles....- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] KNMI'23 climate scenario data used for river discharge calculations
The KNMI'23 climate scenarios are based on 240 years (8 ensembles of 30 years each) of RACMO (Regional Atmospheric Climate Model) v2.3 data for every horizon/scenario. For the...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): windsnelheid, windrichting, temperatuur, druk en relatieve luchtvochtigheid op 10-600 meter hoogte uit een heranalyse voor 2019-2021 met...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): windsnelheid, windrichting, temperatuur, druk en relatieve luchtvochtigheid op 10-600 meter hoogte uit een heranalyse voor 2019-2021 met...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
The data in this dataset comes from the HARMONIE model with a wind farm parameterisation. The model simulated a scenario for 2050. The locations and properties of the wind...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
The data in this dataset comes from the HARMONIE model with a wind farm parameterisation. The model simulated a scenario for 2050. The locations and properties of the wind...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity at 10-600 meter height from a reanalysis for 2019-2021 with the...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0