Air quality – NO2 and O3 measured with Pandora in Cabauw-NL
Tropospheric and total columns of NO2 and total columns of O3, retrieved from Pandora measurements in Cabauw-NL. Temporal resolution is approximately 4/hour. The data can be...- ASCII
- CC-BY-SA-4.0
GNSS scintillation data - ionospheric scintillation parameters measured by a ...
At the islands of Saba and St Eustatius two Septentrio GNSS receivers were installed for seismological monitoring and research. For each GNSS satellite that passes over, the GPS...- ASCII
- CC-BY-SA-4.0
Earthquakes - images of scanned analog seismograms from stations in the Nethe...
This dataset contains images of scanned analog seismograms for historical earthquakes. They belong to the old instrumentation of the following KNMI seismic stations in the...- JPEG
- CC-BY-4.0
Temperature - gridded daily mean temperature fields derived from stations obs...
The E-OBS dataset (http://surfobs.climate.copernicus.eu/dataaccess/access_eobs.php) consists of gridded fields created from station series throughout Europe (ECA&D). The...- NetCDF
Temperature - gridded daily mean temperature fields derived from stations obs...
The E-OBS dataset (https://surfobs.climate.copernicus.eu/dataaccess/access_eobs.php) consists of gridded fields created from station series throughout Europe (ECA&D). The...- NetCDF
[DEPRECATED] KNMI'23 climate scenario data used for river discharge calculations
The KNMI'23 climate scenarios are based on 240 years (8 ensembles of 30 years each) of RACMO (Regional Atmospheric Climate Model) v2.3 data for every horizon/scenario. For the...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] EURADCLIM: The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar prec...
The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dataset, EURADCLIM, addresses the need for an accurate (sub-)daily precipitation product covering 8000000 square...- HDF5
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] EURADCLIM: The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar prec...
The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dataset, EURADCLIM, addresses the need for an accurate (sub-)daily precipitation product covering 8000000 square...- HDF5
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 forecasts of last 24 hours, ...
Current operational HARMONIE information in gridded form (regular lat-lon) of weather parameters from the KNMI HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 model. The output frequency is 1 hour. For...- GRIB
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] Hot air balloon derived winds
This dataset consists of navigational data from hot-air balloon flights and is provided on a voluntary basis by professional balloonists, and are a potential source of wind data...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 forecasts Europe, all model ...
Current operational HARMONIE information in gridded form (rotated lat-lon) of selected parameters at all model levels from the KNMI HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 model. The output...- GRIB
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 forecasts Europe, near surfa...
Current operational HARMONIE information in gridded form (rotated lat-lon) of near surface and boundary layer (up to 300 m) parameters and a few pressure levels from the KNMI...- GRIB
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME KEPS meteorological parameters, NL
Current operational HARMONIE ensemble information in gridded form (regular lat-lon) of near surface and boundary layer (up to 300 m) parameters from the KNMI HARMONIE-AROME Cy40...- GRIB
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): windsnelheid, windrichting, temperatuur, druk en relatieve luchtvochtigheid op 10-600 meter hoogte uit een heranalyse voor 2019-2021 met...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): windsnelheid, windrichting, temperatuur, druk en relatieve luchtvochtigheid op 10-600 meter hoogte uit een heranalyse voor 2019-2021 met...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
The data in this dataset comes from the HARMONIE model with a wind farm parameterisation. The model simulated a scenario for 2050. The locations and properties of the wind...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
The data in this dataset comes from the HARMONIE model with a wind farm parameterisation. The model simulated a scenario for 2050. The locations and properties of the wind...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity at 10-600 meter height from a reanalysis for 2019-2021 with the...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity at 10-600 meter height from a reanalysis for 2019-2021 with the...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
[DEPRECATED] WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HA...
Winds of the North Sea in 2050 (WINS50): wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity at 10-600 meter height from a reanalysis for 2019-2021 with the...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0