3 datasets found

Tags: Network Open data Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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  • NAM EPOS datasets

    Seismic datasets collected by NAM between 2013 and 2018 from downhole geophone arrays and flexible networks deployed in the Groningen area.
      Data format: SEG-Y, SEG-D, MIRF5 License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • [DEPRECATED] Stations - information on seismic and acoustic stations located ...

    This dataset contains the code, location, site and operational status of all seismic and infrasound stations in the Netherlands and the Caribbean Netherlands. These networks...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • [DEPRECATED] Meteo data - information on stations in the KNMI observations ne...

    This dataset contains information about the KNMI network of observations stations in the Netherlands that consists of 48 automatic weather stations: 13 on aerodromes, 14 on...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service