77 datasets found

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  • Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas - daily files at 10-600 meter height of all 2,5 km ...

    This dataset contains an extension for 2018 of the the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA). DOWA is validated wind climatology (and information on temperature, pressure and...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas - daily files of all 2,5 km grid points for the ful...

    This data set contains output from the model runs that were used to produce the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA), but for the full domain, on model levels and for more...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas - time series for individual points from an LES run...

    Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) project - LES-time series at locations in Dutch offshore wind parks. Dissemination of high-resolution (time: 10mins; space: 64x64m) information...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas - hourly wind speed from LES runs on an area around...

    Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) project - daily files with LES hourly-averaged wind speeds for three Dutch wind parks Dissemination of high-resolution (time: 10mins; space:...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Hot air balloon derived winds

    This dataset consists of navigational data from hot-air balloon flights and are a potential source of wind data in the atmospheric boundary layer. The data is provided on...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • EMADDC Met Office Global Dataset (NetCDF)

    The European Meteorological Aircraft Derived Data Center (EMADDC), see emaddc.com, processed aircraft surveillance data to derive wind speed, wind direction and temperature...
      Data format: NetCDF License: closed APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • EMADDC Met Office Global Dataset (CSV)

    The European Meteorological Aircraft Derived Data Center (EMADDC), see emaddc.com, processed aircraft surveillance data to derive wind speed, wind direction and temperature...
      Data format: CSV License: closed APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • EMADDC Met Office Global Dataset (BUFR)

    The European Meteorological Aircraft Derived Data Center (EMADDC), see emaddc.com, processed aircraft surveillance data to derive wind speed, wind direction and temperature...
      Data format: BUFR License: closed APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Probability forecasts possible dangerous weather

    Probability forecasts for possible dangerous weather, based on weather model output from the ECMWF atmospheric ensemble model. Probabilities are uncalibrated. Available are...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service WMS
  • Wind - radar 5 minute wind profiles Herwijnen

    Wind profiles derived from radar radial velocity measurements for the radar in Herwijnen. Time interval is 5 minutes. See data set radar_tar_wind_prof_herwijnen/2.0 for an archive.
      Data format: HDF5 License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Wind - radar 5 minute wind profiles Den Helder

    Wind profiles derived from radar radial velocity measurements for the radar in Den Helder. Time interval is 5 minutes. See data set radar_tar_wind_prof_denhelder/1.0 for an...
      Data format: HDF5 License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Wind - radar 5 minute wind profiles Herwijnen - archive

    Archive of wind profiles derived from radar radial velocity measurements for the radar in Herwijnen. Time interval is 5 minutes. Data have been archived in one .tar file per day.
      Data format: HDF5 License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Wind - radar 5 minute wind profiles Den Helder - archive

    Archive of wind profiles derived from radar radial velocity measurements for the radar in Den Helder. Time interval is 5 minutes. Data have been archived in one .tar file per day.
      Data format: HDF5 License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • 3D radar composite and derived products

    Realtime 3D radar composite that covers a wide area over the Netherlands and its direct surroundings. The composite is constructed based on data from Dutch, Belgian and German...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service WMS
  • Wind - windspeed, direction, standarddeviation at a 10 minute interval

    This dataset is constructed using measurements of windspeedmeters (anemometer) and winddirectionmeters (windvane). The dataset is neither validated nor are missing values...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service EDR API
  • Altitude winds and Pasquill stability class

    Altitude wind forecasts spanning up to 200 meters, catering to multiple locations in the Netherlands and the North Sea region. It relies on inputs like wind direction, wind...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • KNMI’23 climate scenario data for official data portal

    The KNMI'23 climate scenarios are based on 240 years (8 ensembles of 30 years each) of RACMO (Regional Atmospheric Climate Model) v2.3 data for every horizon/scenario. The data...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • KNMI’23 climate scenario data for official data portal

    The KNMI'23 climate scenarios are based on 240 years (8 ensembles of 30 years each) of RACMO (Regional Atmospheric Climate Model) v2.3 data for every horizon/scenario. The data...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Stress equivalent surface wind derived from ERA Interim

    ERA Interim surface wind field, rescaled to equivalent neutral wind (taking atmospheric stratification in to account) and then rescaled to stress equivalent wind (taking air...
      Data format: NetCDF License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Wind - radar 5 minute wind profiles De Bilt - archive

    Archive of wind profiles derived from radar radial velocity measurements for the radar in De Bilt. Time interval is 5 minutes. Data have been archived in one .tar file per day.
      Data format: HDF5 License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service