12 datasets found

Groups: Temperature Formats: ASCII

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  • METARs of the Netherlands - Archive 1974-2017

    Archive of dutch METARs. A METAR is a weather observation report for aviation, which is routinely prepared every half hour on HH+25 and HH+55 hours for Dutch airports. The...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0
  • Meteo data - actual synoptic observations Schiphol Airport per 12 seconds

    KNMI collects observations from the automatic weather stations situated at aerodrome Schiphol. The weather stations report every 12 seconds meteorological parameters such as...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0
  • Temperature - transformed minute daily temperature, KNMI14, Netherlands

    Transformed daily time series for minimum temperature for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015). Can also be...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Temperature - transformed max. daily temperature, KNMI14, Netherlands

    Transformed daily time series for maximum temperature for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015). Can also be...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Temperature - transformed avg. daily temperature, KNMI14, Netherlands

    Transformed daily time series for average temperature for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015). Can also be...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Historic observations of the Netherlands

    Instrumental observations of the weather have been regularly performed in the Netherlands since the end of the 17th century. An inventory was made of this period before 1854 at...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Wet Bulb Globe Temperature

    Wet Bulb Globe temperature data, derived from the 10 minute synoptic observations dataset from KNMI. Calculations done using the Liljegren method.
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Humidity and temperature - airtemperature, humidity, dewpoint, wetbulbtempera...

    This dataset is constructed using measurements of temperature-and humiditysensors. The dataset also contains derived physical quantities like the wetbulbtemperature,...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service EDR API
  • SYNOP - Precipitation data near Meuse and Rhine

    Precipitation data for weather stations near the rivers the Meuse and the Rhine based on SYNOP data from automatic weather stations. Stations are located in the Netherlands,...
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Wavedata and seawatertemperatures - seawatertemperatures, waveperiodes and -h...

    This dataset is constructed using measurements of sensors for seawatertemperatures, waveperiodes and -heights. The dataset is neither validated nor are missing values completed.
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Frequency tables 1981-2000

    Frequency tables for different meteorological quantities for different KNMI measuring stations, for the period 1981-2000.
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service
  • Soil temperatures - temperatures at various depths at a 10 minute interval

    This dataset is constructed using measurements of temperature-sensors at various depths. The dataset is neither validated nor are missing values completed.
      Data format: ASCII License: CC-BY-4.0 APIs: Open Data API Notification Service