SYNOP - Precipitation data near Meuse and Rhine
Precipitation data for weather stations near the rivers the Meuse and the Rhine based on SYNOP data from automatic weather stations. Stations are located in the Netherlands,...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Outlook weather forecast for the Netherlands
Outlook weather forecast for the Netherlands for the upcoming 6 days. The data is published in three different formats: html, txt and xml.- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
OMI Link to NASA Disc Data Archive
Link to official OMI data archive at NASA. https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/datasets?keywords=omi&page=1- HDF5
- CC-BY-4.0
METAR of the Netherlands
A METAR is a weather observation report for aviation, which is routinely prepared every half hour on HH+25 and HH+55 hours for Dutch airports. The measurement data used as...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
SYNOP - hourly unvalidated observations from the KNMI automated network in te...
Synoptical in-situ observations per one hour from the available operational stations in the Netherlands, the Dutch part of the North Sea continental shelf and from adjacent...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
SYNOP - hourly unvalidated observations from the KNMI automated network in bi...
Encoded, synoptical in-situ observations per one hour of all parameters derived from the available operational stations in the Netherlands and the Dutch part of the North Sea...- BUFR
- CC-BY-4.0
Evaporation - transformed daily reference evaporation, KNMI14, Netherlands
Transformed daily time series for reference evaporation according to Makkink for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Precipitation - transformed daily precipitation (upper), KNMI14, Netherlands
Transformed daily time series for precipitation for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085, subscenario Upper, for 240 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015)....- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Precipitation - transformed daily precipitation (lower), KNMI14, Netherlands
ransformed daily time series for precipitation for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085, subscenario Lower, for 240 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015)....- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Precipitation - transformed daily precipitation (centr), KNMI14, Netherlands
Transformed daily time series for precipitation for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085, subscenario Centr, for 240 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015)....- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Temperature - transformed minute daily temperature, KNMI14, Netherlands
Transformed daily time series for minimum temperature for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015). Can also be...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Temperature - transformed max. daily temperature, KNMI14, Netherlands
Transformed daily time series for maximum temperature for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015). Can also be...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Radiation - transformed daily global radiation, KNMI14, Netherlands
Transformed daily time series for global radiation for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015). Can also be...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Temperature - transformed avg. daily temperature, KNMI14, Netherlands
Transformed daily time series for average temperature for the KNMI'14 scenarios for around 2030, 2050 and 2085 for 14 stations in the Netherlands (revised 2015). Can also be...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
WAQUA surge timeseries obtained with forcings from KNMI-RACMO-ECEARTH ensemble
Data set contains a 16-member ensemble of multi-annual time series of wind-induced surge and astronomical tide for eight stations along the Dutch coast. 1-hourly time series are...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Bias-adjusted parameters (pr, tas, evappot) Rhine catchment (upstream of Lobi...
KNMI-RACMO-ECEARTH datasets of bias-adjusted precipitation, temperature (daily mean/max/min) and potential evaporation for the German and Swiss part of the Rhine catchment. Time...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Bias-adjusted parameters (pr, tas, evappot) for the Netherlands (gridded) fro...
KNMI-RACMO-ECEARTH datasets of bias-adjusted precipitation, temperature (daily mean/max/min) and potential evaporation for the Netherlands. Time resolution: 1-hourly for...- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Bias-adjusted parameters (pr, tas, evappot) Meuse catchment (B and F) from KN...
KNMI-RACMO-ECEARTH datasets of bias-adjusted precipitation, temperature (daily mean/max/min) and potential evaporation for the Belgian and French part of the Meuse catchment....- NetCDF
- CC-BY-4.0
Degree days calculated over the period october 1st until september 30th
Degree days are determined by the effective daily mean temperature (Teff). Teff is calculated with the daily mean temperature (TG) and the daily mean windspeed (FG). Teff = TG -...- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0
Wavedata and seawatertemperatures - seawatertemperatures, waveperiodes and -h...
This dataset is constructed using measurements of sensors for seawatertemperatures, waveperiodes and -heights. The dataset is neither validated nor are missing values completed.- ASCII
- CC-BY-4.0